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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Today's Post

I don't know what Today's Post is going to be about yet ~ so I will just type. I have been known to be inspirational at times ~ but then again I don't think that that was actually me. I am too realistic.

I miss my life so much. It's one of the hardest things about being DID I reckon. Its like sitting visiting a park bench - you love it, you sit watching the trees, the dappled sunlight filters through huge old knarled branches, it makes you calm.

And then suddenly you realise you have been gone for a some time ~ now you are on the bench but the paint is fading, there are new saplings around and someone has put stones over the old dirt path.

And then.. once again you realise you have been gone for a while. The park bench is old and the paint peeling off, the old majestic tree is still there, but now there is a play ground and cement paths..

Its all kind of the same, but you miss the essence of what was yours. Its not really yours anymore. Now you share it, now you yearn for what you had. Now you cry ~ because you can never have it back again.

Life is altered irreversibly and it had nothing to do with you. You have no choice. I have no choice. It might seem you have infinite choices with a fractured mind ~ but in fact YOU HAVE NONE.

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