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Friday, October 30, 2009

Hey...Did you remember to..?

Alters don't always share. Even when they communicate quite well.

Hey ... Did you remember to..? Says a friend, partner, family member, workmate.

Um. No. When did you ask me that? Right. Sorry. No, I didn't. I will get right on it.

And then you look like a big stupid bumbling idiot who can't remember important things. Newsflash: I wasn't told the important thing. ARG. It makes me angry. I need a better system ~ like a big white board, or a big jotter/notebook that I carry EVERYWHERE. Except I tried it once and the ones not sharing important stuff weren't writing it down either. Damned either way.

I am having an angry day today. I feel stupid and annoyed and frustrated and I keep disappearing ~ being almost sucked back in. I know that someone is intent on switching. I'm not though, and I am trying my darndest to stay here, all the tricks I know. I hope I don't get booted out.

Is that likely? Quite likely yes. For two reasons ~ I resist, so when someone wants to be out and they push hard enough *poof* I am gone again. But mostly because my 3 year old is being baby sat this afternoon ~ and the alters usually (by that I mean always) feel that they should have free reign at this time.

It all stinks.

By the way, I am on the lookout for other people with DID who blog.

Have a happy hysteria.

1 comment:

Bee said...

I am a fellow friend with DID and I came across your blog. I hope you don't mind me reading and commenting!
I just wanted to tell you that I also have this problem with my splits (alters). I now carry 7 different kinds of planners - all of which fit the needs of at least one or two of my splits. It works pretty great actually, just a little extreme and a pain to carry around. I hope you find something that works for you!