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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Besides that..

Besides the good stuff - I will mention that I didn't blog in February because FEBRUARY SUXS.

February is a million shitty things. It contains the birth bodies birthday, it contains the day I left my marriage, the day i was married, was "baptised", lost a beautiful baby (in utero), every time I turn around in February - its another Nightmare day....

Trigger central!!

Good Evening!

Well hasn't it been ages since I have blogged!!
Things have changed drastically for us. In a good way (well I think)

And yes I know its not great from a Multiple view but I need this right now.

So you know how I was having issues with all this change and multiplicity etc. I went and got a Full-time job. So now we are a mum and a fiance and a worker - I commute to the city, I work all day. Its exhausting and its all me. I am in full control. Ultimate control.

Kasey and I, really. No Heidi, no physco stress bunnies.

I know its not the best solution, but I am not a mulitple. Seriously and I can't live like that.

Its a long story how I managed to get them all to agree. And I guess I'm on probation really. But unless we have a trigger or something major - its only me. Only me thinking, only me talking... oh thank f))*##*( lord. Only me. I know I am selfish. But you can still judge me.

It was actually a family decision - to go this road - because we really weren't coping at all. I know at some point in the future I will have to again relinquish control. But for now, I am it and I am happy with that. I am happy. But then I am Sam
and I have always been happy as me.

I know that most of you are going through tough times - cause it never really ends for us... (even when we are Ultimately Reigning...lol) so hang in there. One day this life will be over and in the mean time... every once and a while nice distractions come along...